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Preparing Yourself For Your Post-Op Care

At Snatched Dallas; for Post Operative Care; your health and safety are our #1 concern. Wound and Incisional Care is always the first step in the treatment plan for post-op care. Ensuring that no infections occur is first priority for all services.  Followed by lymphatic massages that will start 2 to 3 times a week for the first 3 months(some go 5 to 7 days the first week) and then gradually decreases as the healing process continues. You will be receiving treatments up to a year. The frequency in receiving treatments will change from 2 to 3 times a week to once a month. In  the period of the first 2 to 3 weeks of surgery, certain things may occur such as seroma fluid build up and fibrosis build up . When that does occur  the seroma fluid may need to be drained. And the fibrosis build up needs to be broken down. These are all normal situations throughout your healing process. During that transitional change; post-op care tools such as radio frequency, ultrasonic cavitation, wood therapy, and taping can be used to help with the healing process. Each step is determined by your body’s healing process. Your service provider will walk you through the steps guiding you through your journey. You must maintain a healthy diet, drink water, and receive your post-op care to guarantee that you get the best results from your surgery. And after your main treatment for the first 3 to 4 months continue with maintenance up to a year. While continuing to wear your compression garment. ​ ​

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